Squash Pancakes


Squash pancakes are a favorite in this house. We top them with yogurt now that we're tolerating dairy (see my guest post at Cheeseslave's blog: How GAPS is Helping Our Family).

If you're not on GAPS, squash pancakes are still good. A little more crumbly than wheat pancakes, but you could always add some wheat flour to help them hold together. Because they contain carb/veggie (squash), fat (coconut oil), and protein (eggs), this is an easy all-in-one meal. 

What we use:
3/4 cup of pulp from juicing or cooked squash. I cut the seeds out of apples before I juice them so I can do this.
6 eggs
1 or 2 tablespoons of coconut flour, shredded coconut, or almond flour if needed to thicken
Dash of sea salt
2 tablespoons coconut oil + more as needed for frying.
*Optional: Honey, 1-2 tablespoons.  My kids don't care about the honey, so I leave it out. 

I whir it through my food processor because my juicer leaves big chunks.  If you have a better juicer you could mix it in a bowl with a fork.

I start the pan on medium heat and then turn it down to med-low after flipping.  Smaller pancakes work better than big ones. 

I think it's amusing if I have green pulp from juicing; we have green pancakes.  My kids love these, especially my 3-year-old. 

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